I am a sucker for beautifully and creatively illustrated children's books. In fact, I am consistently guilty of judging a books by their covers and often will not take a second look if the cover is not well designed. That being said, I believe a good story is just as important and here are a few new books that, I believe, succeed on both fronts. Bunny Days
By: Tao Nyeu
A story in three chapters featuring a friendly bear, neighbor goats, and a load of silly bunnies.
Find this title in our catalog Here Comes The Garbage Barge!
By: Jonah Winter
Illustrated By: Red Nose Studio
A fun story with environmental themes, this book is brought to life by the amazing people at Red Nose Studios who used puppets to illustrate the book.
Find this title in our catalogThe Heart and the Bottle
By: Oliver Jeffers
A sweet and hopeful story about a girl who looses her grandfather and has to learn not to loose herself too. Oliver Jeffers is one of my absolute favorite author/illustrators!
Find this title in our catalog A Sick Day for Amos McGee
By: Phillip Christian Stead
Amos visits his friends at the zoo every day. When one day he has to stay home sick, his animal friends miss him so much they decide it is their turn to do the visiting.
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